Leading Board Meeting Software
Board Meetings Made Easy 
Collaborate on documents, communicate with teams and store files in a central, secure cloud-based environment that integrates with multiple third-party vendors including Microsoft Teams and Zoom. 
Woman smiling in business setting
Award-Winning Board Collaboration Software
Collaborate Without Compromising on Security
Share and edit documents on the go, highlight urgent issues and make critical decisions safe in the knowledge that sensitive information is protected.​ 
Man using laptop in business setting
Board Effectiveness Solution 
Build a Better Board 
Build and maintain an effective leadership team. Analyze performance, evaluate gaps in expertise and identify the right people to successfully execute your organization’s strategic objectives. 
Woman smiling in business setting
Board Benchmarking Intelligence
Stay Ahead of Shareholder Expectations 
Ensure your plans and strategies will withstand shareholder scrutiny. Benefit from detailed insight into peer metrics, with all data centralized in one location. Give your board instant access to the insights it needs. 
Woman looking at phone
Leading Board Education Solution
Keeping Up with Governance Best Practices 
Work from a central library of reference materials to provide a single source of truth. Broaden your board’s network and provide the information they need to be prepared for answering questions on critical subjects such as climate change.

The Forrester Total Economic Impact of Diligent Board & Leadership Collaboration

Diligent commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying Diligent Board & leadership Collaboration as a board management software.

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Related Insights & Resources

Board discussing the benefits of Diligent Board and Leadership Collaboration.
Diligent recently commissioned global research and advisory company Forrester to develop a TEI study analyzing its Board and Leadership Collaboration solution. We highlight the key takeaways from that report in this blog.
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How can best practice board management improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your board? We’ve curated 7 board management best practices that will position you to tackle the challenges of 2022.
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In this episode, Bill George reflects on leadership challenges in the modern era and extends these lessons to the board and C-suite.
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Here, we list five examples of board governance models that can provide your organization with guidelines for all policies, systems and operations.
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School board policy setting is a core responsibility of the board. How can you ensure you follow best practice in policy creation and governance?
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